Sunday, June 23, 2024

CMLL 6/17/2024 Arena Puebla

CMLL 6/17/2024 Arena Puebla

Last week's show is here:

Last week's show is here:

Multy, Perverso and Prayer vs Astral, Diamond and  Eléctrico

1st Fall - Dia locks up with I think Prayer. Prayer armdrags him and Dia ties up his legs. Prayer armdrags him then is armdragged. Dia hits a spinning headscissors from the headstand and gets him out.

Multy and Astral go at it. Astral snapmares him. Multy is legswept and he stands off with Astral. Elec and Perv go at it. Elec armdrags him a couple times  then Perv chops him down. Elec fireman's carry throws him and knees him in the gut. Elec spinning headscissors him then tope con hilos him. Dia is popped up into a double ddropkick. Dia and Astral then get submissions and wins the fall. 

2nd Fall - Prayer side headlocks Elec. Elec flying headscissors him out then does a nice armdrag on Multy. Elec basement dropkicks Multy then headscissors Perv out. Astral and Multy get in. Astral shotgun dropkicks him. Astral is stomped on by Perv Astral double jump armdrags Prayer then botches a headscissors on Perv.

Multy dropkicks Dia then Dia takes a triple stomp. Dia pop up hurricanrana's Multy. Dia bounces off the ropes and hits a double armdrag. Dia flying headsicssors Perv out then messes up a flying space tiger drop and is caught in the ropes. Prayer spinebusters Dia then  does a double arm hold on him to submit him. Multy then submits Elec to win the fall. 

3rd Fall - Dia is worked on and carried out on a stretcher. Elec is double foot choked in the corner. Multy basement dropkicks Astral. Astral takes a double boot. Elec is held and takes boots from Multy.  Elec takes double boots. Multy ends up going out somehow. Perv dropkicks Prayer on accident then Elec lariats him. Elec springboard elbow drops Prayer on the ramp then Perv submits Elec with a double armbar.  Multy hits splash mountain on Astral and wins it.

It was just average and then everything fell apart in the 3rd fall when Diamond got injured. They just stalled as they figured out what to do and it lost whatever it had going for it.

Xelhua, Stigma, Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Max Star, Brillante Jr. and Neon

1st Fall - Max and Xel go at it. Max headstands on his back for some reason and crucifixes him. Xel rolling headscissors him with an armlock. Xel rolls him in a legs and arm submission. They get back up and Max indian deathlocks him.

Xel armdrags him and rides his back. Max trips him then snapmares him. Xel flips out of a snapmare, is swept and they stand off. Maya and Brill get in. Brill trips him and ankle locks him. Maya trips him and is armbarred.

Maya armdrags him and Brill goes for a pin. Maya side headlocks him and Brill trolls him into an armlock. Maya camel clutches him. Brill goes for a surfboard, Maya headstands and headscissors him. They stand off then hug.

Stig and Neon go at it. Stig superkicks him. Stig pulls him down by the mask and 2nd rope double stomps him. Stig enzugiri's Brill in the corner and basement dropkicks both. Neon flying headscissors Stig out. Xel gets in and rolls over Xel's back with an armdrag. Xel flips off the buckles and armdrags Max. Xel tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Brill.

Maya slingshots in and armdrags Neon. Maya reverse topes him for 2. Maya double lariats Brill and Max then hits tilt-a-whirl backbreakers. Neon tope con hilos Maya outside.  Max top rope 450's Xel and pins him. Brill running single arm sitout powerbombs Stig and wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Neon flips over Stig and back rolls. Neon armdrags and dropkicks him. Neon flips off the ropes and armdrags Maya out. Maya double springboard headscissors Xel out.

Max springboard hurricanrana's Stig. Max springboard tornillo armdrags Maya out. Max armdrags Xel out. Brill and Stig fight. Brill headscissors him out then flips off the ropes and headscissors Maya. Bril lis popped up into a hurricanrana on Maya then backrolls and spinning headscissors Xel out.

Maya chops Max. Maya powerslams him then Neon basement drpkicks Maya. Stig springboard crossbodies Neon. Neon headstands in the corner then is superkicked and takes a b-driver for 2. Brill slingshot ddt's Stig for 2. Xel does a cool submission on Brill. Max superkicks and code red's Xel for 2. Brill hits a double springboard. Stig and Xel doe topes out. Neon springboard crossbodies Maya then Maya rolls through a hurricanrana on him for 2. Neon wraps around Maya and taps him out with a keylock variation to win the fall and match. 

Neon has words for Maya on the mic after.

Thoughts: It was a good lucha match. Not as good as last week's as they only had 2 falls here but we had a nice mix of technical wrestling and some flying. I could see these guys do this 10 more times and would be happy. I don't even think anyone really busted out their best stuff here.

Bad Dude Tito, Che Cabrera, Michael Oku vs Magnus, Rugido, Volador Jr.

1st Fall
- The heels beat up their opponents to start. Mag and Rug get stomped on. Che hits corner spears on Vol's gut then Rug takes a lariat. Mag takes corner lariats and a dropkick. Vol is triple teamed then takes a double team cutter. Oku top rope splashes Vol and pins him to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Rug is double flapjacked and takes a double hip attack. Oku dragon screws Mag. Tito flying shoulders Mag. Vol does a handspring double back elbow on Che and Tito. Mag and Rug do stereo topes outside. Vol superkicks and backcrackers Oku and pins him to win the fall. 

3rd Fall - Mag and Che shoulderblock battle. Mag 619's him. Tito shoulders Rug over then Rug armdrags him. Oku dropkicks Rug. Vol flying headscissors Oku then Oku does it to him. Oku plancha's Vol outside. Tito and Che take shots then hit stereo F-5's on Rug and Mag. Tito and Chen then win the fall and match.

Thoughts: This was a real short one here. This was totally mailed in and nothing of note. I was really disappointed by this.

Mistico vs Averno

Mistico was given a plaque before the match started

1st Fall - Mist armdrags him then monkey flips him. Av holds on then Mist lands on a monkey flip. They stand off. Mist headscissors him then headstand twisting headscissors him down. Mist spinning headscissors him while in the fireman's carry. Mist then topes him outside into the aisle.

Mist springboard armdrags him then tilt-a-whirl armdrags him. Av drops him down on a spinning headscissors then Av hits an angel's wings. Av rolls him into an armbar and submits him to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Mist springboard hurricanrana's him, 619's him and springboard headscissors him. Mist toyota rolls into a code red and pins him. Mist wins the 2nd fall. 

3rd Fall - Mist flying headscissors him out then dives out and headscissors him onto the floor. Mist toyota rolls into a code red for 2. Mist springboard hurricanrana's him for 2. Mist kicks him from the apron and is swept onto the apron. Mist handsprings and is dropkicked in the back. Av powerbombs him off a springboard hurricanrana attempt.

Av angel's wings him then rolling armbars him. Mist ropebreaks. Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags him down. Mist tornillos him outside. Ax misses a dropkick. Av la magistral's him for 2. Av is put on the buckles and enzugiri'd. Mist takes a 2nd rope pedigree for 2. Mist walks up the buckles and spanish flies him.

Mist springboard twisting crossbodies him then submits him with la mistica to win.

Thoughts: I thought they did too much here with spanish flies and 2nd rope pedigrees not being enough to put either guy. I didn't really get why Av would submit him with an armbar then never really bother with it again. It's not like the work was bed though as they've done this a million times and know what to expect. Mistico really flew around with ease here in this one.

Overall thoughts: To the surprise of no one, the Xelhua trios match was the best thing on the show. Diamond got injured in his match and it fell apart in the 3rd fall. The Oku match was a lazy effort that didn't have much time. The main had a lot of time but I didn't really like the finishes to the falls as they weren't followed up on and I thought they did too much. This was just average and I wouldn't recommend this.

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